Your users may not be able to access their important documents, there’s risk of intellectual property loss. There’s also the potential that all computer systems may need to be replaced to ensure any intruders no longer can access your network – being hacked is one of the most disruptive events that can happen to any sized business. To make matters worse, cyberattacks are on the rise. Two thirds of businesses experience cyber attacks (some without even knowing it) and 90% of those attacks are caused by the actions of users.
You may have read about large-scale attacks of ransomware and data loss, but you usually don’t see the smaller businesses that experience the same on a frequent basis. Smaller businesses usually suffer much more than larger businesses due to lack of backup testing and adequate processes to ensure no data loss. Our Nottingham-based IT support team have over 20 years experience in both preventing and dealing with the consequences of cyber-attacks. We build all our process and systems with IT Security in mind, it’s at the heart of what we do.